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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Way Back

So last night we watched the Way Back.  The movie is about a group of men who escaped from a Siberian labor camp and walked to India through the Gobi Dessert, Siberia, and the Himalayas.  The story is based on the diary of man who claims to have made his journey during WWII.  The story is excellent and the acting is really good, but the only problem I had was that is dragged.  The movie seemed to go last forever.  But the action wasn't the point is was the human story and their struggle to survive.  It was a good movie and make you think about how these people could have survived and the horrible things they went through.       

How to Train Your Dragon

So I loved how to train your dragon.  Its funny its cute its got scary dragons its just all around great.  And not to mention most of the smaller dragons act kind of like little cats, love it.  So I liked and it and for those of you with kids it is a good kid movie but maybe not too young because the dragons can be a little scary.  And did I mention Gerald Butler makes a great viking even if it is in voice.  So the main plot of the movie revolves around Hiccup who is the runt of the viking clan.  Hiccup shoots down a dragon and when he can't kill it takes it under his wing and trains it.  The rest of the movie is spent with him dealing with the dragons and vikings and triumphing in the end.  So I think this movie is great even if it is a kiddy movie but hay even adults can watch kiddy movies too :) 


So I rented Skyline and had great hopes for the movie, but that really didn't happen.  Lets just say that it is a Scifi B movie with a bigger budget and I have seen better on SyFy.  So the movie is about a group of friends party all night and wake to find the world is being taken over by aliens and the rest of the movie is spent with them trying to figure it out and survive.  The aliens were a little strange you never really got a sense of what they were, there are different kinds but they are all powered by brains they harvest from humans.  Eric Balfour plays the main guy who gets infected somehow even though no else does by this light the aliens use and he starts gaining super human strength.  In the middle of this he finds out that his girlfriend is pregnant and the rest of the movie is spent trying to protect her which leads to a very bizarre ending where his brain is harvested but his brain manages to override the alien body and he trumps off to save his girl.  The other characters in the movie spend there time doing one of two things 1) Dying in stupid ways and 2) arguing about how to escape and survive and no one and I do mean no one had a good idea.  So the move was a disappointment but if you got a thing for scifi B movies go for it.       

The King's Speech

Ok been away for awhile finishing the semester so time for catchup.  So I finally watched the King's Speech and I have to say I know why it won so many awards at the Oscars.  Colin Firth was great and the movie all around is great.  If you have been living under a rock the basic plot of the movie is the rise to power of King George VI who suffered from a stutter.  And the movie is about how he overcame this and led England into WWII.  The cast is incredible and everyone plays the parts so well.  So if you have any interest in the time period the actors or just anything I suggest you go rent the movie NOW!!!!