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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


So went so see the new Thor movie and I really liked it.  And can I just say Chris Hemsworth YUMMMMMMMMM.  Anyhow this is the background movie leading up to the Avengers Movie which I am super excited about.  This movie shows Thor before he is banished to Earth for disobeying.  And have to say when Anthony Hopkins is on the screen he steels the show.  Thor is sent to Earth and has to redeem himself before Loki destroys the Earth and of course he falls in love with Natalie Portman.  But I really likes Hemsworth he played a good cocky Thor and then a really good humbled Thor.  The one complaint my husband had was that there was to much background, but this is what the movie is for and my husband is not a comic book person so his opinion doesn't count.  But the movie was really good and the way the Avengers is shaping up it ought to be awesome. And one side note Kate Dennings is in it and she is always just so funny.       

1 comment:

  1. " husband is not a comic book person so his opinion doesn't count." LOL! I didn't know they were going to make an Avengers movie, but I should have known. SFX have finally advanced to the point that Hollywood can now make movies out of every comic that they ever wanted to! I didn't see this movie (prefering to rent it instead). Though I am a comic person (well, some comix, anyway), I was just never that into Thor....X-men's more my scene.
